ENA Test Kit
$ 510.00
Now that you understand the risk of Imbalanced Hormones, it’s easy to see why most people are eager to move towards Hormone Balance and better long-term health.
The process is easy. At ENA, we’ve learned that saliva testing provides a noninvasive means of determining your hormone levels with relation to your age, gender, and health conditions. Saliva testing will indicate the bioavailability of your hormones, as only the bioactive (or Useable) form of our hormones are found in saliva.
Our ENA kit contains everything you’ll need to complete your Hormone test. Along with the test kit and propriety UPS Lab envelope, we include a detailed medical questionnaire. Completing this questionnaire accurately will help our doctors to identify any symptomatic trends or conditions affected or even generated by Hormone Imbalance .
Administered from home, your ENA test samples are collected and securely shipped directly to our Lab for evaluation.
In just a few weeks, you’ll receive your customized formula, designed specific to the outcome of your personal ENA Hormone test. At last, you’ll be using a formula created with your exact body chemistry in mind.
Your health, for today and tomorrow. Don’t spend another day out of balance.